Get started

  • Important: edit meta data in src/_data/meta.js, itā€™s being used all over the template.
  • Have a look at the blog posts, they explain some basic features that arenā€™t covered here.
  • Search for ā€˜eleventy-excellent.netlify.appā€™. Youā€™ll find an entry in src/assets/css/global/global-styles.css. Replace with your own domain. This is about the external link indicators, they are matched with your domain. If you donā€™t want to use external link indicators, delete the whole style rule (not the whole style sheet!).
  • Edit your social media in src/_data/social.js and src/_includes/icons. If you add new icons they must be prefixed with ā€œsocial-ā€. By default you have RSS, mastodon, twitter, ko-fi, linkedin and github. Great resource:
  • Edit your navigation items in src/_data/navigation.js.
  • Not required, but recommended: Delete github.js in src/_data/github.js and the blog posts, as these serve only as an example.
  • Edit your preferences (colors, fluid text sizes etc.) in src/assets/design-tokens/*.json.
  • Optional: add your custom (favicon) icons in src/assets/images/favicon.
  • Optional: rename .env-sample to .env. You may set a custom URL for local development and add your own variables.
  • Optional: Change fonts. This starter uses three fonts, Red Hat Display, Inter and Roboto Mono. You can add or delete fonts in src/assets/fonts. I recommend creating font subsets for performance, for example using the Fontsquirrel Webfont Generator. Next, edit src/assets/css/global/fonts.css. Add your new font aliases in src/assets/design-tokens/fonts.json. Finally, in src/_layouts/base.njk edit the font preloads. Roboto Mono is only used for code blocks. Itā€™s preload is set directly in the post layout: src/_layouts/post.njk.
  • If you donā€™t want to feature any code examples, you may delete the whole stylesheet for syntax highlighting: src/assets/css/blocks/code.css.
  • Add and delete your custom block stylesheets in src/assets/css/blocks/*.css, they get pulled in your output stylesheet automatically.
  • If you are working with VS Code I recommend installing the Tailwind CSS IntelliSense addon, as it works just as fine for our custom utility classes!